we had a great time experiencing our first "colony days christmas" in downtown palmer. it snowed big fat flakes and everything felt very festive. there was an evening parade and fireworks, the train was at the station in from anchorage and downtown was loaded with families. jaden even got to sit on santas lap (and what a fine santa he was!)
j and i joked later that santa was certainly very smiley and seemed to keep nodding his head alot. he was wearing hearing aides and seemed either tired or vacant or both (in a really nice santa sort of way) and we wondered, did they nab him from the pioneers home and stick him in a suit? do you think he really knew where he was???
the parade entries were pretty funny. lots of four wheelers and snow machines, and family dogs with reindeer antlers and reindeer. we're now trying to decide just how to d
ecorate the subaru for our entry next year. palmer is alot like nederland, only very different.

j dragged me (kicking and screaming) to spinning class today. uggggh. i am possibly the biggest whiner ever. the ticker to beach time is motivating me to get my skinny butt into shape. its soooo hard though. (whaaaaaa) okay. im done with that, i swear.
we tromped into the back 40 yesterday and cut ourselves a christmas tree. not quite a charley brown, but perhaps a distant cousin. its really a pretty little tree and fits my sprase collection of ornaments perfectly.
i am turning to paganisim as a religion. they were definatley onto something. my dear friend d reminded me "and they couldnt even turn on lights aside from fire". no light bulbs, no tanning beds (: no nothing, just sit and wait in your cave for the sun to shine. oh man, only 11 days till the sun starts commin round again.
i got a loose but genuine invite to go MUSHING today....
HoHoHo! Cute pix. :-)
(Man what I'd give to have beautiful skin like his.)
well it sounds downright festive out there! Just because some of us are farther out there than others wont keep us from thinking of you. i will be in downtown Bangor for the-first time ever!-new year celebrations. In the very square with a sign that reads (this is a real sign) NO GAME OR BALL PLAYING, there will be a new years ball drop! go figure.
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